vrijdag 20 november 2009

What can be learned from the examples?

We can conclude that a good collaboration between the different types of media is crucial. During the "Try Now concept" for example, they used a different website-address but didn't communicate this, because of that, they missed a lot of potential TryNow users. CMI becomes way more interesting (and complicated) when the user is able to participate with the concept (CM3).

It is important to let people know that there is a concept and how the concept works. by using different kinds of media, using Internet and some posters only will not be enough to let people know what the concept is about. People need to be confronted with the concept idea frequently.

This mean you need to think outside the purely Digital ways, the same goes for the analog methods. To have a good CMI you really need to spread on a broad spectrum of the media in order to reach people in a sufficient manner and with a correct impact

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Really nice conclusion. I can see you got CM1 and CM3 figured out. Though, i like to see some insight about CM2. Can there be said anything about CM2? What makes CM2 different from the others? What can conlusion can you make from that?


  2. I think that a CM2 Interaction is only slighly more complicated then a CM1 Interaction. It's main point or message is carried out on a single media. You can think of this as a movie or play or something to that effect. Then other media are used to tell you about the message Like the movie posters and flyer's which only tell you a small part of the message or even only refer to the main message media.

    so in effect the difference is that not the message is not being carried out on multiple media in the same manner as would happen in a CM1 but more as a Main message being supported by other media instead of a simple equal spread of the message on all media.

    hope this explains more clearly what a CM2 is.

    Cheers Monkey Media
