vrijdag 13 november 2009

Art Projects

NorthSouthline Amsterdam:
Exposition Shepard Fairey on walls at the Amsterdam central station. By doing this the municipality of Amsterdam wants to improve the image around the central station, wants to give a chance to artists to show their work to a bigger public and wants to show what Amsterdam has to offer on creatively and cultural areas.


Street art 3D:

Street art 3D are street drawings which will give a 3d effect to the passers-by when they take a look from the right angle. There are a lot of 3D street drawings all over the world. A few of these drawings are placed below.

http://www.european-street-painting.com/displayimage-album,7,pos,8,T_com_Ber_05.jpg.html http://kurtwenner.com/gallery/NewWork_gallery/images/06-Hell.jpg http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm

Art on construction hakes:

The municipality of Amsterdam placed photo panels on construction hakes to make it more attractive for the occupants, entrepreneurs and passers-by.


Bicycle advertisement:

The main goal of this advertisement is to make people aware of the new site of Arnhem central station. On this internet site they can take a look at the rebuilding project and also see how the station will look like in the future.

What is CMI

First of all, what is media? The Wikipedia definition is

“In communication, media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.”

So, in our words it’s a method to share information i.e. television, internet, billboards, flyers, etc.

Cross Media means that one company uses several kinds of media to deliver this information. This is used with different kind of goals, like giving as much information as possible, be accessible for as much people as possible or let the people participate (i.e. vote by SMS).

All in all Cross Media Intereaction is exactly what the name implies it's a interaction between multiple media in order to get the best results possible.

What is CMI

First of all, what is media? The Wikipedia definition is

“In communication, media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.”

So, in our words it’s a method to share information i.e. television, internet, billboards, flyers, etc.

Cross Media means that one company uses several kinds of media to deliver this information. This is used with different kind of goals, like giving as much information as possible, be accessible for as much people as possible or let the people participate (i.e. vote by SMS).

All in all Cross Media Intereaction is exactly what the name implies it's a interaction between multiple media in order to get the best results possible.

Examples of CMI - TV talent shows

We did some research on CMI to find out what kind of projects have takan place in the past. These project are valuable information into how CMI work and how it is implementend. Some interresting examples of CMI where found and we would like to share those with you.

Example: TV talent shows


Media used in this interaction:
- TV shows
- Website
- Telephone calls
- Posters
- Shows in the street
- Advertisement on cars
- Radio

This show was a talent search for a new pop star. It was a great media hype which meant a lot of cross media Interaction.

TV shows: The main media was the actual tv show about the talent search. Which was watched by so many people that the exposure was huge?

Website: Like all things these days the show had a website showing movie clips and background information about the show and its contestants

SMS: During the live shows you could vote for the contestant you think should stay. These votes where used to make the cut every week.

Telephone calls: During the live shows you could vote for the contestant you think should stay. These votes where used to make the cut every week.

Posters: There where a lot of posters with either the show or later on specific contestants trying to get people to vote for them.

Shows in the street: Later on in the program the remaining 2 finalists went into the country promoting themselves and doing shows in their hometown as well as big parties.

Advertisement on cars: During the finalist round, each contestant got a tour bus which was covered with their picture and name.

Radio: As always with music related shows, it transfers well to the radio so the finalists also went and attended shows.

What’s good about this?
This show was an enormous cross media interaction with little means of contacting and interacting with the shows audience was left unused. It’s one of the first shows that used texting and calling as a means to vote and influence the course of the program. All in all it was a very well choreographed media franchise.
