donderdag 21 januari 2010

Evaluation process & course

At the start of this Project we were all pretty adamant we didn’t want to include the same old Websites and Texting services. We didn’t believe that people would actually use these services in a way that would be beneficial to our Concept. This is the reason why we ended up heading towards a CM1 level concept.

Luckily we were made aware of this before we were to far into the project to change our concept into a higher CM level. After we decided we should include the “new media” we had to make sure we looked at a way of using it to have a bigger effect then just sending a text message or visiting a website.

We started looking towards a socially driven concept based on our chosen theme “east meets west”. Here we found a concept that would serve as a good interaction level as well as a socially driven motive. We believe that the resulted concept is one that serves our briefing and theme well and should be able to fill the demands we set.

We had a lot of problems working around the technical difficulties which arise with the making of a movie. It’s always a lot more work then you originally anticipate. So we ran into some planning issues which resulted in a missed mentor deadline. This was a rude awakening and resulted in renewed vigor to complete the assignment within the deadline and at a level we where comfortable with presenting.

We think the end result is something we can be proud of with the trouble we had of changing themes half way in the project. We still believe it was a good choice as it fitted our way of thought a lot more. In retrospect it’s always interesting to see how your first ideas differ immensely from the final concept.

“Never sit under the first tree you find but always look for that one that’s just that little bit better.”

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