Several media are used to inform people about road construction and traffic jams:
- road signs/mobile arrows
- television
- internet
- telephone number
- radio
- teletekst
- Dynamic Route Information Panels (DRIP’s)
Road signs:
On the road itself they place traffic signs and mobile arrows to guide the passing cars.
The construction companies pass their information about locations of construction work to the local television stations. This way, large traffic jams could be avoided.
the local television stations place this information on the internet. Just as the Verkeers Informatie Dienst (VID, traffic information service).
Telephone number:
Drivers can call a 0900-number to know if there are any traffic jams on the road they are driving.
The bigger national radio stations broadcast every hour an overview of all traffic jams.
Before people leave their houses, they are able to check the teletekst to see whether there are any traffic jams or road constructions or not.

To reach as many people as possible, big electronic signs are used. People who are already driving on that particular highway can choose now if they want to continue on that highway or take a side road.
Good things:
A lot of people use the highways so it’s good that everybody is good informed about the planned road construction to avoid traffic jams. In order to do that it’s good to use as much as media as possible that is available at all times such as the internet, teletekst and the telephone number.
Bad things:
Media like television shows are available at set times so people have to tune in at that particular time.
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