woensdag 16 december 2009
Face recognition
This program has a feature where the software automatically recognizes faces and shows all the pictures with the same face all together.
The user can add identities to these faces.
We want to use this for our party.
Pictures will be taken of al the party people and shown on a big screen.
People can sms the unique number of the photo and recieve the photo and the webaddress on their mobile phone.
The photos are also shown on the website, categorized by time and the faces (using the iPhoto technique).
People can identify themselves so other people see who's who.
Merry Christmas!
Cheers Monkey Media
woensdag 9 december 2009
Marketing Plan Monkey Media
donderdag 26 november 2009
Theme change
After some of our brainstorm seasons prior to the briefing presentation we started to pitch some random ideas and they seemed to fit badly into our theme at the time. However we felt these ideas where a lot more to our liking then the ones we had generated within enjoying the chaos. Therefore we choose to look around and see if another theme would fit our mindset better. We ended up finding the theme "east meets west" and decided this was a lot better.
So after deciding on that we had to throw away most of our previous data and research and build a briefing for our new theme. This resulted in a slim and kind of skimpy presentation but it was a step in the right direction for us as a team. With renewed spirits we are currently working within our new theme. We soon hope to show us some of our brainstorms which will show some of our concepts and Ideas.
Hope this keeps you informent on our current state of affairs. Blog you soon!
woensdag 25 november 2009
Demographic Information
Neighborhoods that border directly to the railway are:
- Centrum-West (binnenstad)
- Centrum-Zuidwest (binnenstad)
- Stationsbuurt (binnenstad)
- Ministersbuurt-Oost (hof van delft)
- Olofsbuurt (hof van delft)
- Westerkwartier (hof van delft)
These neighborhoods are separated by the rail viaduct (and later the construction zone) and the Westlandseweg.
But who is living in these neighborhoods? It’s necessary to know who we are designing for.

There are a total of 12205 people affected by the project. Most of them are male, single and in the age of 25-45 years.
We think this is because of the many students in Delft (who are mostly male).
Monkey Media briefing
maandag 23 november 2009
We would like to try and unite the city as a whole using the spoorzone as the vocal point of the project. The fact remains that even though the railway only acted as a visual barrier it still offered some real life boundary. Also we want to prevent the forming of a new separation with the construction of the new station and housing in the former spoorzone.
So to conclude we want to bring the people of both sides of the spoorzone together so the new spoorzone will unite instead of separate them in the future.
Target Group
We have chosen the citizens of Delft as our target group. More particular the people who life in and around the spoorzone. This group is currently split in two due to the railway. They are also going to feel the separation some more during the construction .
- age between 20 -60
- all social layers
We will strive to create a feeling of coherency between the now separated parts of the city. Their will be a sense of being real neighbours for the time of the construction. And hopefully this will transfer into the new neighbourhood that will come to be.
Short term project with the potential for long term use/ existence.
Choice Multiple media
We want to use an already existing event to bring people together. By using such an event, we already have our target group together in the center of Delft.
“Lichtjesavond” attracts a lot of people. By using this event as main media, we could enlarge the event to the construction zone easily. During “lichtjesavond”a lot of light is used. Using light as a media could be a fun en well fitted way of bringing our target group together.
Brand Identity
We would like to have the appearance and brand Identity of companies like Douwe Egberts. They provide a social glue to unite people from different layers in a common interest. They have a very sociable feel to their identity.This is something we would like to achieve with our project.
zaterdag 21 november 2009
Target Group?
We have looked at the 3 groups and seen that there are several big differences in how they are affected by the project. We have there for chosen the group we think will benefit the most of any project we come up with due to their close interaction with the spoorzone project on a daily bases and in a significant part of their daily life. As you might have guessed already we have chosen the Citizens of Delft as our Target group.
We believe we can help these people make the most of the chaos that is about to take a place in their daily lives. We will not define the group difference for direct and indirect exposure because we want to do something for them both. So it might result in a two part project or a overall project for these to groups.
Hope these posts have been helpful and have shown you what we think are the people in need of some proper cross media interaction design.
vrijdag 20 november 2009
Possible Targetgroup 3 : Citizens
In the city we can identify a small number of groups within the Citizens. We have the people that life right around the spoorzone and are going to be exposed to the construction works directly and we have people that life just outside the zone and make up a group that still is affected by the work but not as directly.
Direct exposure
The people that live on the edge of the zone have a very high chance of having daily problems due to the project taking place in front of their door. There for these people have all ready been well informed by the planning commission and most of the know what is going on. Still even with these people the question remains what is all this good for. Even a well informed person won’t be happy just living in a construction zone for 10 to 15 years.
Indirect exposure
These are the people that are also citizens of Delft but are not in very close vicinity of the construction site. These people don’t have the problems of living on the edge of the construction site with all it’s dust, noise etcetera. But they are still very much affected by it due to it happening in the city the life in. These people are mostly uninformed on the matter because they aren’t the cities prime concern. Off course these people have been informed in a general manner through newspapers and local tv and radio but most of the are blissfully unaware of the scale and impact this project might have on their day to day life.
Possible Targetgroup 2 : Tourists
We suspect that even though this will not make for a nice entrance into the Historical city of Delft it will not affect tourism as much as some people will suspect. Namely because the current state of the station wasn’t that spectacular to begin with. So tourists coming in by train should not be exposed to too much of a hassle in comparison to the current situation.
Also a lot of tourists are arriving in Delft either by car or by Touring Car. These two modes of transportation will probably suffer from some hindrance in reaching their desired destinations. Some of the tourist locations like the old city mill and the Prinsenhof are located on the Phoenix street and will suffer from roadblocks caused by the construction and roadwork’s needed for the project.
But besides that most routes to the center of town will not be greatly hindered by the construction work.
All in all we believe that tourism will not be decreasing due to the project. This is mainly because the length of stays that occur in Delft. Most tourists are only here for a day or maybe two. Minor inconveniences in that day will not be enough to deter the tourists from Delft. Also we believe it might actually bring more tourism in the future due to the changes being made to the spoor zone. It will get back it’s canal feel due to the boulevard on the Phoenix street and the canal on the spoor singel. It will make the transition from the station to the rest of the city center a lot easier on the eye. Which will work in favor of the general atmosphere in the city.
Possible Targetgroup 1: Travelers
A lot of people travel through the railway area in Delft . We want to know who these people are. To explain this properly, it’s necessary to divide these people into two groups, namely: travellers by train and travellers by car.
Travellers by train
The railway that passes Delft is the busiest of the Netherlands. Every couple of minutes a train leaves the station. So there are also a lot of people using the station to go on these trains.
These people are students who have to go to university every day, forensics that are travelling to other cities to go to work. Also forensics from other cities come to Delft to work.
A smaller group is schoolchildren going to school and elderly people who use the train. So basically people from every age-class.
All these travellers have to go from and to the station. As most people know, most people use a bike. All these bikes have to be parked somewhere. This mostly occurs in the bike racks but also to lightning poles and fences. The huge number of bikes make the railway station area look very chaotic.
Another group of travellers using the train go further on their journey by bus. As far as we know, the bus station as it is now will not be changed during the development of the new train station.
Travellers by car
The Phoenixstraat and the Westvest are thoroughfares for travellers who want to go from the north to the south of Delft (and vice versa). They pass the centre of the city and go alongside the train rails. The whole traffic situation there will change dramatically. So these travellers will face a lot of hinder during their daily route.
These people are most of the time people that have to go to work in the other side of the city. Think of construction workers who have to go to their next job.
What can be learned from the examples?
It is important to let people know that there is a concept and how the concept works. by using different kinds of media, using Internet and some posters only will not be enough to let people know what the concept is about. People need to be confronted with the concept idea frequently.
This mean you need to think outside the purely Digital ways, the same goes for the analog methods. To have a good CMI you really need to spread on a broad spectrum of the media in order to reach people in a sufficient manner and with a correct impact
Choice of theme
Chaos can be both a bad and a good thing. We believe that with the theme “enjoy the chaos” we can conceive a project that will hopefully let people see the chaos as a good change of the norm. Let them see or experience that all the hindrances they are going trough is actually for a good cause. So we as Monkey Media have taken enjoy the chaos in as the way to try and make people feel better about the whole project. Will the succeed and how? Those are the questions we are faced with now.
woensdag 18 november 2009
Examples of CMI - Police Messges/Investigation
Deventer police tries to solve an attempted murder.
Uses several media, such as:
- Hyves (online community with profiles of Deventer police and Ijsselland police)
- Television screens
- Flyers
- Television
o TV Oost (Regional television with show similar to Opsporing Verzocht)
o SBS 6 (National TV, news)
o TV Deventer (local television, news)
- One on One (Interviewing people passing by the crime scene)??
The television fragments are being placed on youtube so people can see them on a later moment.
In the pub where the girl went the night before the attack, the police hands out flyers asking witnesses to contact the police
Also on the television screens inside the pub there was information about the attack
Witnesses could text their information to the police after which the police contacted them later that week for an explanation.
Good about this project:
The main goal is to reach young people so it’s good that the police are searching actively for witnesses because I think that young people are not the biggest part of the Opsporing Verzocht viewers. Police is using quite new ways of communication. This attracts young people because they use them as well. Witnesses can give their tips without actually going to the police station. This makes it less of a burden and increases the information that is recievec
Examples of CMI - Try Now from TNT Post

- Billboards
- Television
- Internet
- Magazines
TNT Post (Dutch Delivery Company) launched a big promotion campaign recently: they will deliver product samples for free to gain more brand recognition among consumers.
When you see a product advertisement with a Try-Now logo, you are able SMS the product brand to a four digit number. The product advertisements can be found on billboards, internet, television and in magazines. The SMS will have to contain your address. Within ten days, the product will be sent to the given address so that you are able to try it. Another possibility is to go to the website of the product and apply for the sample.
A good thing about this concept is that they will reach a wide group of potential product users by involving lots of different media types. TNT Post as well as the product brand will gain more recognition among consumers. It might even lead to more sales in the future.
TNT Post runs this concept. This means that when the concept turns out to be a success, more and more product companies would like to work with TNT so that more people will know of their brand and products.
A point of improvement could be the feed-back. I could imagine that feed-back from their target group is valuable for the product companies. By involving so many different types of media, there must be a smart solution so that the consumer will be able to reflect on the product quickly.
Examples of CMI - Nike Stand-up, Speak-up Campaign
Nike's stand up, speak up - campaign uses several media, such as:
- Flyers
- Posters
- Commercials
- Internet
- Black & White wristband
- Famous football players
- 238 projects against racism
This was a campaign of Nike to empower football fans to show their opposition to racism
Flyers & posters: You can see famous football players who where wearing the black & white wristband so people become aware of the campaign and the racism on the football fields
Commercials: You can also see famous football players in the commercials of Nike against racism. In these commercials players are holding a board with a message about racism.
Internet: On the internet you could find the whole story about the stand up, speak up campaign. Also you could buy one of these wristbands to show that you are against racism
Black & white wristband: With this wristband you could show that you will fight against the racism on and off the football fields.

Good about this project:
Nike did a wonderful job and launched a campaign against racism. The main goal of this project was to decrease the racism on the football fields. By selling and giving black & white wristband everyone become aware of this campaign and participated. If they only had used a commercial or flyers not everyone would participate to this campaign and it wouldn’t have been such a success as it is now.
Examples of CMI - NS Travel Information
Ns provides different type of services for announcing their train interruption.
Uses several media, such as:
- Broadcast
- Electronic screens on stations
- One on One (Information given by conductors)
- Internet
When there a train delayed the NS provides information by using different types of media tools so their passengers will not get irritated. They want also to inform their passengers so they can decide whether they will wait for the delayed train or take another one to their destination.
SMS: Since a few months passengers can send a message to ask about the Delays over the whole country.
Broadcast: When there is current news about a delayed train the conductors will broadcast this news and after a while they will put it on the electronic screens.

Electronic screens: Delays are being placed on the electronic screens on every station in the country so passengers can see them when they are walking to their railway .
One on One: Sometimes passengers don’t understand the given information. In this case they can ask a conductor about the broadcast.
Internet: Al this information can also be found on the internet site of NS.
Good about this project:
Most of the people in the Netherlands use the trains of Ns. All of these people want to get to their job or school on time. By using different types of media the NS will draw the attention of each passenger so they will not have to wait for hours on the station while a train is delayed. You always have passengers who listen to music or read a newspaper. By using the multiple media available to them, NS will be able to even get the attention of these occupied people.
Examples of CMI - Road Construction
Several media are used to inform people about road construction and traffic jams:
- road signs/mobile arrows
- television
- internet
- telephone number
- radio
- teletekst
- Dynamic Route Information Panels (DRIP’s)
Road signs:
On the road itself they place traffic signs and mobile arrows to guide the passing cars.
The construction companies pass their information about locations of construction work to the local television stations. This way, large traffic jams could be avoided.
the local television stations place this information on the internet. Just as the Verkeers Informatie Dienst (VID, traffic information service).
Telephone number:
Drivers can call a 0900-number to know if there are any traffic jams on the road they are driving.
The bigger national radio stations broadcast every hour an overview of all traffic jams.
Before people leave their houses, they are able to check the teletekst to see whether there are any traffic jams or road constructions or not.

To reach as many people as possible, big electronic signs are used. People who are already driving on that particular highway can choose now if they want to continue on that highway or take a side road.
Good things:
A lot of people use the highways so it’s good that everybody is good informed about the planned road construction to avoid traffic jams. In order to do that it’s good to use as much as media as possible that is available at all times such as the internet, teletekst and the telephone number.
Bad things:
Media like television shows are available at set times so people have to tune in at that particular time.
vrijdag 13 november 2009
Art Projects
Exposition Shepard Fairey on walls at the Amsterdam central station. By doing this the municipality of Amsterdam wants to improve the image around the central station, wants to give a chance to artists to show their work to a bigger public and wants to show what Amsterdam has to offer on creatively and cultural areas.

Street art 3D are street drawings which will give a 3d effect to the passers-by when they take a look from the right angle. There are a lot of 3D street drawings all over the world. A few of these drawings are placed below.
Art on construction hakes:
The municipality of Amsterdam placed photo panels on construction hakes to make it more attractive for the occupants, entrepreneurs and passers-by.
Bicycle advertisement:
The main goal of this advertisement is to make people aware of the new site of Arnhem central station. On this internet site they can take a look at the rebuilding project and also see how the station will look like in the future.
What is CMI
First of all, what is media? The Wikipedia definition is
“In communication, media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.”
So, in our words it’s a method to share information i.e. television, internet, billboards, flyers, etc.
Cross Media means that one company uses several kinds of media to deliver this information. This is used with different kind of goals, like giving as much information as possible, be accessible for as much people as possible or let the people participate (i.e. vote by SMS).
All in all Cross Media Intereaction is exactly what the name implies it's a interaction between multiple media in order to get the best results possible.
What is CMI
First of all, what is media? The Wikipedia definition is
“In communication, media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose.”
So, in our words it’s a method to share information i.e. television, internet, billboards, flyers, etc.
Cross Media means that one company uses several kinds of media to deliver this information. This is used with different kind of goals, like giving as much information as possible, be accessible for as much people as possible or let the people participate (i.e. vote by SMS).
All in all Cross Media Intereaction is exactly what the name implies it's a interaction between multiple media in order to get the best results possible.
Examples of CMI - TV talent shows
Example: TV talent shows

Media used in this interaction:
- TV shows
- Website
- Telephone calls
- Posters
- Shows in the street
- Advertisement on cars
- Radio
This show was a talent search for a new pop star. It was a great media hype which meant a lot of cross media Interaction.
TV shows: The main media was the actual tv show about the talent search. Which was watched by so many people that the exposure was huge?
Website: Like all things these days the show had a website showing movie clips and background information about the show and its contestants
SMS: During the live shows you could vote for the contestant you think should stay. These votes where used to make the cut every week.
Telephone calls: During the live shows you could vote for the contestant you think should stay. These votes where used to make the cut every week.
Posters: There where a lot of posters with either the show or later on specific contestants trying to get people to vote for them.
Shows in the street: Later on in the program the remaining 2 finalists went into the country promoting themselves and doing shows in their hometown as well as big parties.
Advertisement on cars: During the finalist round, each contestant got a tour bus which was covered with their picture and name.
Radio: As always with music related shows, it transfers well to the radio so the finalists also went and attended shows.
What’s good about this?
This show was an enormous cross media interaction with little means of contacting and interacting with the shows audience was left unused. It’s one of the first shows that used texting and calling as a means to vote and influence the course of the program. All in all it was a very well choreographed media franchise.